11th General Assembly Meeting
18-19 May 2022 in Paris, France
The 11th General Assembly was a 2-day event and took place on the 18-19 May 2022 in Paris, France. The presentations are available on the LifeCycle Intranet. Thank you all for joining. It was great to see you again!
10th General Assembly Meeting – Remote
25-27 October 2021, REMOTE
The 10th General Assembly meeting took place from 25-27 October 2021. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held remotely. The presentations are available on the LifeCycle Intranet. It was great to see you all again online!
9th General Assembly Meeting – Remote
18-20 May 2021, REMOTE
The 9th General Assembly meeting took place from 18-20 May 2021. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held remotely.
8th General Assembly Meeting – Remote
27-29 October 2020, REMOTE
The meeting brought together over 100 participants from birth cohorts across Europe and Australia.
We have been updated with all the work in progress in the first two days. On the third day, there were great workshops on federated analyses using DataSHIELD by Sido Haakma and mediation analyses from Lorenzo Richiardi. Both workshops were recorded and can be viewed on the LifeCycle Youtube Channel.
All slides and minutes are available via the LifeCycle Intranet.
7th General Assembly Meeting – Remote
21-23 April 2020, REMOTE
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the face-to-face General Assembly Meeting, planned in Turin in April 2020, had to be cancelled. It was replaced with a remote meeting on the same dates.
6th General Assembly Meeting
27-29 November 2019 in Bristol, United Kingdom
The programme and presentations can be downloaded from the LifeCycle intranet. A big thanks goes out to Debbie Lawlor and her team for organizing a wonderful meeting!
DataSHIELD Workshop
9-13 September 2019 at Newcastle University, United Kingdom
The DataSHIELD team organised a joint EUCAN-Connect AGM and DataSHIELD workshop event over the course of 5 days. The event consisted of the two-day EUCAN-Connect Annual General Meeting (9th-10th September) and a 3-day DataSHIELD Workshop (11th-13th September). Abstract submission closed on 31 July, workshop registration on 8 August 2019.
5th GA Meeting in Copenhagen
27-29 May 2019 in Copenhagen, Denmark
The 5th GA Meeting took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, from 27-29 May 2019, and was open to LifeCycle members. As we are halfway with the project in the coming month, we look back at great progress on our consortium and our EU Child Cohort Network.
4th General Assembly Meeting
22-24 October 2018 in Barcelona, Spain
This meeting was open to all LifeCycle partners and external cohorts. The GA Meeting from 22-23 October was immediately followed by a workshop on longitudinal modelling on the 24th.
3rd General Assembly Meeting
11-12 June 2018 in Oulu, Finland
This meeting was open to LifeCycle partners only. The programme can be downloaded from the LifeCycle intranet! The 3rd LifeCycle GA Meeting was linked to the “3rd Paula Rantakallio Symposium on Epidemiological Birth Cohort and Longitudinal Studies”.
2nd General Assembly Meeting in Rotterdam
19-20 October 2017 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The 2nd GA Meeting summarised the results of the work completed during the first 6 months of the project and informed the consortium about the strategy to integrate and harmonize data for the EU Child Cohort Network (WP1) and about the progress made in the other work packages (13 WPs in total).
LifeCycle Kick-Off Meeting in Rotterdam
03-04 April 2017 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands
It was a great start for this 5-year-long journey together. In total, 18 institutions from 11 different countries will collaborate in LifeCycle to study and identify early-life stressors, and to improve the health of both pregnant mothers and children as early on as possible.